New Hope, PA
  • Hill Wallack newsletter

  • brochure folder

    Hill Wallack brochure folder

  • logo

    Hill Wallack logo

  • Hill Wallack trade show

Hill Wallack

Hill Wallack LLP, founded in 1978, is a leading law firm with offices in Princeton, Cedar Knolls and Red Bank, New Jersey and Yardley, Pennsylvania.

FEA developed a new branding campaign that started with the development of its logo. The logo depicted the practice groups that are weaved together and create a stronger fabric as a whole than a single thread. The materials developed for Hill Wallack are all based on the initial concept of the logo and the expertise of each of the practice groups.

Fitzgerald Esplin Advertising developed additional marketing (digital and print) materials including a responsive website, folder/brochure/inserts, newsletter, “Life, Liberty Pursuit of Good Counsel” ad campaign, tradeshow exhibit and much more.

Services: Concept, Design, Writing, Development, Marketing, PR, Branding, Ad Placement, Project Management, Printing